a selection of travel pictures

Photographers get a buzz out of capturing images.  It doesn't really matter if it's an image of a person or a thing or an event, if you can put in, and you can influence and interact to create an image, you get a buzz out of capturing that essence of a moment!

Yet some of the year is spent seeking out another type of elusive image that require no input from the photographer other than their patience, their skill at composition and timing, and their eye for what might draw a viewer into the picture and want to know more.  That's the essence of landscape photography - you are somewhat helpless to outwadly change the landscape and so have to resort to other skills to creat a stunning image......  I hope I show that with this gallery of pictures from all over the world I've been lucky enough to travel to.

All images are available to buy or rent as framed pictures any size.  Price and terms and conditions on application.